Tolerance is the capacity, ability or willingness to endure the existence of opinions or behaviour that one disagrees with or dislikes at times. It is also opined that “what cannot be changed must be tolerated!” Such an opinion, however, is tantamount not only to incapability to show one’s existence in the society which one lives in, but it would also mean a kind of escapism from the live issues and social realities. In the philosophical sense, it would mean that one’s outlook is deterministic and one is exhibiting an attitude of escapism to live a life aloof from the hot issues of the human society.
Although there is no denying the fact that tolerance seems to be an attitude of helpless compromise on the practical plane and an apologetic approach on the ideological plane, but what it stands vis-à-vis togetherness, social cohesion and inclusiveness is that human societies cannot live as monolithic entities shorn of all diversity and multiplicity. In fact, the human society would lose all its charm and beauty if it becomes exclusive and intolerant. In such a scenario a social group would like to enjoy the cocoon of its ideas, customs, rites and rituals without letting others to enjoy the same attachment with their socio-cultural values. Sometimes the intolerance touches its extreme levels and results not only in chaos and confusion but also gives birth to conflict, violence and bloodshed.
Human beings have bore the brunt of intolerance of multiple shades throughout the history. It is intolerance that has exposed the barbaric and beastly instincts of human beings during the course of history. Indeed, during the initial stage of humanity on earth, humans used to exhibit intolerance to each other for basic necessities of life, especially food. When human beings entered the nomadic stage of development, intolerance found its other causes, such as food (pastures) and water reservoirs for their livestock. Intolerance reached its extreme levels when humans became conscious of their colour, race and ethnicity. And, in the modern era, nationalism and politics added the most fatal dimensions to intolerance.
However, more often than not, religions have been accused of not only being intolerant to each other but they have been also held responsible for all kinds of intolerance whatsoever. This notion, however, is not true in its entirety. Actually, in order to satiate the urge of racial, ethnic or political superiority, religious groups and faith communities have (mis)interpreted the religious texts in such a way that they achieved the fervour and zeal to serve their cherished ends. So, what was difficult or impossible for them to get racially or politically, they wanted to achieve the same by arousing the religious sentiments of their respective religious groups. As such, religion(s) became a scapegoat for the achievement of diverse interests of the followers of different religions.
However, the Divine Scheme of God has been quite clear in this regard. Having bestowed to human beings will, initiative and the freedom of choice thereof, God has made diversity and difference of opinion a live reality at the very beginning. The faculty of reason and rationality which human beings have been bestowed with could have been used fully to check the diversities and the sense and consciousness of difference from taking an ugly form in the shape of intolerance and exclusiveness. And, history is a witness to the fact that whenever and wherever a human society honed the sense of distinction (the root of diversity) of its individuals for the positive ends, the society thrived in all respects because tolerance ruled the roost. As a result, there emerged a positive competition among such societies by dint of which not only did the society made progress but human values and human sciences made great strides towards development.
Tolerance, thus, is not meant for turning the humans into a stock of cowards, always showering false praises on the common dissenters and apologies to the knowledgeable people with different thought and approach. Actually, having bestowed human beings with multifarious faculties, especially the faculty of reason and judgment, God has thus given them the “best of the moulds” (ahsan al-taqwim). Humans have thus been provided with judicious sources to acquire and achieve knowledge to know not only themselves and the larger world but the Highest Reality of God. It is this distinction of knowledge which makes them honorable among all the creation of God.
Now, the guidance which human beings receive from God enables them to preserve these faculties on the one hand and this distinction makes them answerable before God on the other hand. Naturally, religion or more precisely the guidance doesn’t crush any of the faculties nor stagnates any of them. It is through these faculties that man first understands different world phenomena and then reaches or fathoms the Reality or realities, that is, God Himself. The Qur’an on the one hand preserves these faculties and on the other hand maintains the honourable status of humanity through Tolerance, Acceptance and Respect.
This tolerance, however, doesn’t mean the concealment or withholding of Truth. It only means the conveyance of the message of Truth in a congenial atmosphere adhering to the principle of “agreeing to disagree!” And, when an individual disagrees, his/her disagreement should be based on and supported by sound arguments conveyed in a dignified and graceful manner. A person should never be disrespectful of the things which the “other” believes to be true. If such an attitude is exhibited on the plea of the “freedom of expression,” it should be denounced forthwith, for the “freedom of expression” is not the only human value. However, the denouncement and rebuttal itself should be humane, for this is what God has commanded and has been exemplified by the Prophet (SAW).
Nevertheless, to maintain and uphold the value of tolerance one should never try to judge the inner motives of any individual or any society at the collective level. One should also not declare judgments vis-à-vis the actions of another individual. Instead, one should stop after conveying guidance and advice in the best possible manner. So far as the case of judgment is concerned, it is purely the prerogative of God Almighty. And, in this regard, the fact should be kept in mind that tolerance doesn’t mean a “give and take” between and an “amalgamation” of Truth and Falsehood! So, the non-acceptance of the prayer of Abraham (peace be upon him) for bestowing material sustenance to believers only (Qur’an, Chapter 2), the non-interference of Jesus (peace be upon him) in God’s decision regarding the punishment or mercy for his followers (Qur’an, Chapter 5) and the commandment of God to the Last Prophet (peace be upon him) for not yielding to the demands of his antagonists (Qur’an, Chapter 109) for making concessions in Truth should be seen in this backdrop.
(The Author is Assistant Professor, Islamic Studies, HED, J&K. Email: [email protected])