Parents are the most precious gift of Almighty Allah for us. While I am writing this article I can’t stop my eyes from welling up! Because of recent disturbed video we got to see on every social media platform. That was heartbreaking; a son was beating his old parents on road.
In Holy Quran Allah (SWT) mentions in Surah A’nam, verse 151: “you have to be very kind to your parents”. Surah Luqman, verse 14: “we have enjoined on human beings to be kind to his parents”. Surah Al-Isra, verse 23: “one should worship only Allah and be kind to their parents”.
There are so many verses in Holy Book where Allah (SWT) mentions to be kind to your parents, irrespective of the command from the Almighty Allah (SWT) if these things happen in our society, means it is a collective failure of all. How we “Ashraful Makhluqat”-The Noblest of All Creatures will face Almighty on the Day of Judgment.
Parents are the first and most enduring guides in our lives shaping our beliefs, moral values, ethics, etiquettes and the foundation of who we become. Purest form of love is love from parents. Parents love provides selfworth, self esteem, and sense of comfort, positivity, well being, value and much more. Our parents sacrifice a lot to make our life colorful.
If Allah (SWT) has made parents one of the greatest blessings of life, why as a society we can’t make rules? In my opinion the son who beats his parents should be boycotted by all to set an example so nobody dares to do it again.
- His neighbors’ should stop talking to him.
- No shop keeper should provide him grocery or anything he need in his day to day life.
- kashmiri bread baker should not provide bread.
- His water supply should be stopped.
- Electricity should be cut off.
May be after social boycott these things will not happen again in our society. And Allah (SWT) will be pleased with us in honoring our parents. Let’s us all make an effort to give more time for our parents, express more love to them and make sure they feel appreciated.
It doesn’t need policing to undo the rot, it needs proper schooling and a morally conscious society to save the future generation from consuming itself by resorting to practices that broadly fall under the category of social evils .
(Author is Assistant professor, transfusion medicine, GMC Baramulla)