Bandipora, Oct 02: Under the banner of nationwide campaign “Swachhata Hi Seva-2024 (SHS-2024) District Legal Services Authority, Bandipora in collaboration with District Judiciary Bandipora and Municipal Council Bandipora held a cleanliness drive at premises of District court
Complex Bandipora today on the 2 nd October, 2024. The drive witnessed staff cleaning the premises with the aim of fostering cleanliness and a sense of responsibility for their community’s hygiene.
The drive was carried out under the supervision of Khalil Ahmad Choudhary, Chairman District Legal Services Authority, (Pr. Distt. & Sessions Judge), Bandipora and guidance of, Iqbal Ahmad Akhoon, Secretary District Legal Services Authority Bandipora.
The event had the presence of Khalil Ahmad Choudhary, Chairman DLSA (Pr. District &; Sessions Judge), Bandipora, Iqbal Ahmad Akhoon, Secretary DLSA (Chief Judicial Magistrate) Bandipora.
The event commenced with the “Swachhata Pledge” administered by Worthy Chairman (DLSA) Pr. District & Sessions Judge, Bandipora symbolizing the unwavering commitment to nurturing a cleaner and more sustainable environment. The drive started at 10:30 A.M. Following the litters were collected in huge garbage sacks and collectively segregated for proper disposal. Also wastes in the Court premises were cleared.
The stacked bins kept for dumping wastes were also emptied in garbage bags. All the waste collected was handed over to the Municipal Council Authorities for further proper disposal. At the end of the drive everyone expressed their contentment for being able to be a part of this campaign.
The cleanliness drive at the Court Complex, Bandipora, was a resounding success. It exemplified the spirit of Swachhata Hi Seva and the commitment of the community and government to achieving a Garbage Free India.Such initiatives are pivotal in realizing the vision of a cleaner and healthier nation, aligned with Mahatma Gandhi s principles of cleanliness and self-reliance.