Perseverance and hard work prevail upon success. Obstacles are inevitable but one must stay strong to get through. History stands testimony to the fact that success is proportionate to diligence and industry. Students who remain focused and determined in their studies surely touch successful heights. They surely carve a niche, stamp an everlasting mark and consequently win lot of accolades. Similarly, those students who fritter away their time on wayward paths, success for them remain a distant dream.
Hard work, assiduity, perseverance and diligence undoubtedly earn a badge and hallmark of success for a hardworking person in a field which he is pursuing so determinedly. Achieving excellence, sublime positions and high profile seats in any field need huge hard work, frenzied focus and defined determination because it is said that you cannot make an omelet without breaking an egg. If you desire to make an omelet, an egg has to be broken. An egg will break only when any force is applied on it. This force is in you and only you can apply it on the egg. A certain process will finally shape the egg into omelet. Likewise, the focused hard work may surely help you to emerge successful in every field. Be it academics, be it civil service or for that matter be it any lucrative business.
Kantian ‘Categorical Imperative’ has to be followed to accomplish something in life. In simple terms it means in order to achieve something it is imperative to work tooth and nail for it, e.g. in order to quench ones thirst it is necessary to drink water. Without drinking water thirst can never go away and quench. Similarly, for being successful in any field it is must to stick to the Kantian concept of ‘Categorical Imperative.’ Business tycoons and magnates like Bill Gates etc. who are ranked among the richest people have not been successful overnight by sitting idly in the cozy and comfortable corners of their bungalows.
Instead they did the drudgery day in and day out for a long time and emerged successful. Similarly, the scientific inventions that revolutionized and transformed the world from the darkness to light have not been by done by the scientists in comfortable cocoons. They did the rigorous and rigid experimental processes in order to bring out the final results. It is because of the continuously daunting hard work by the scientists in different fields that us humans at present are living our lives in secure and luxuriant style. The scientists have toiled without a stop to find out the causes of lethal maladies in order to make a corresponding medicine for the life consuming diseases like cancer, diabetes etc.
Great efforts bring great results. Artistes who are presently ruling the roost and calling the shots on every platform have worked hard in order to make a mark in the evolving and competitive world. Artists like Shahruk Khan and others who are at present ruling the roost and calling the shots everywhere have reached this station after the years of perseverance and perspiration. They faced many hardships and rejection at the initial stages but they did not give up. Had they given up, they would not have reached the successful pinnacles. When we look back at the history, it also teaches us that struggle and consistency coupled with determination to win counts as well as matters. The world famous leaders like M.K Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and others have won against all odds because of their persistency and will to win. Had Mandela not remained firm in his stand, he would not have been able to free blacks from the colonial yoke. Similarly, Gandhi was able to free India from the British domination only because of his will power and his firmness. Had he wavered a bit, the scenario would have been differently shabby.
At the initial stages of hard work, hurdles might come your way, but you should surpass those hurdles and psychological fears by being dedicated and robust. You should strongly buffet the fearful waves of failure and emerge victorious against all odds. In order to avoid failure we should always begin in the beginning. Beginning in the beginning will surely fetch the dignified and lucrative dividends. Efforts have to be applied to put success in one’s kitty, for in this fast changing and ever evolving world nothing is given to anybody on a platter and it is said that there is no such thing as a free lunch. Work ethics have to be kept in mind like the hard working Americans who follow the core characteristics of their ‘American Dream’ in letter and spirit. Had Americans not worked hard, they would not have gained the badge of ‘super power’ for the country.
It is grit and determination that earns one a crown of success. For example the recent UPSC qualifiers in our country who have emerged successful, certainly have toiled hard to include themselves in the coterie of qualifiers. This success has not been doled out to them. One needs to mingle one’s blood and sweat together to accomplish something in life. One must bear in mind that there is no substitute to hard work. If you won’t exert yourself, you cannot accomplish. If you lack will power, you are dead inside and it is a fact that dead people do not dream instead they rot for good. So, one must be strong, consistent, and hard working in order to succeed in one’s life. Thereby hangs a tale!
The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night. H.W Longfellow
(Author is a Lecturer. He has done PhD and M.Phil in English Literature from AMU. Besides this, he has qualified UGC-NET and JKSET for Assistant Professorship. He can be mailed at: [email protected])