Srinagar, Jan 7:The Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education (BOSE) has announced a tentative datasheet for the annual regular 2023 examination of class 10th and 12th and said that the examination will commence from March 4 in soft zone areas and April 8 for hard zone areas.
As per the notification issued by Director Academics BOSE, for class 10th, the annual exam in soft zone areas will commence from March 9 and the exam in hard zone areas will commence from April 11.
The annual exam for class 11th in soft zone areas will commence from March 6 and for hard zones, it will be from April 10
Similarly, for class 12th in soft zones, the annual regular exams will tentatively commence from March 4 and in hard zones, the exams will commence from April 8.
The BOSE has declared the Leh district of Union Territory of Ladakh as a hard zone area where examinations will be conducted in the month of April.
To streamline the academic calendar in schools with the rest of the country, last year the administration of Jammu and Kashmir had issued an order wherein the annual examination will be held in the month of March- April instead of October-November.
This is the first time the students of Jammu and Kashmir will be taking exams in the month of March-April and the new academic session is expected to start from April-May. Owing to the uniform academic calendar, the admissions will also start in the month of March.