Srinagar, July 12: Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir’s Faculty of Forestry Wednesday inaugurated an IDP-NAHEP sponsored five-day training program on “Data Analytics in Forestry through R Studio” at its Benhama, Ganderbal Campus.
Dr SN Zaffar, Head, Division of Social & Basic Sciences, Faculty of Forestry and convener of the training program welcomed the chief guest, Prof PA Khan, other dignitaries, Faculty and participants. Prof Akhlaq Amin Wani, Head, Division of Natural Resources Management and Faculty coordinator, IDP-NAHEP, SKUAST-K highlighted the contribution of IDP-NAHEP, SKUAST-K and listed the progress of its successful journey over the last three years. Dr M Iqbal Jeelani, Organizing secretary of the program presented a detailed overview of the program.
He elaborated on the training modules to be delivered covering all the aspects of R programming. He also introduced the internationally reputed resource persons to the house who will be delivering the lectures during the training including Dr Rajendra Choure, Institute of Science, Mumbai, Dr MD Yasin, Institute of Agri Statistical Research of India, New Delhi, Dr Rajeev Pandey, Indian Council of Forest Research & Education, Dehradun Dr. Sukhdev Mishra, Indian Council of Medical Research among others.
The training program is scheduled from 12th -18th July-2023 with online & in-person lectures every day. Prof PA Khan, Head, Division of Forest Biology & Tree Improvement and chief guest on the occasion, stressed the importance of such skill-based training programs in future for Faculty as well as Research Scholars. Chief Guest also acknowledged the IDP-NAHEP, SKUAST-K for sponsoring the program. The inaugural session ended with a formal vote of thanks by Prof GM Bhat, Head Division of Silviculture & Agroforestry, SKUAST-K, Benhama.
Skill training on data analytics of forest resources begins at SKUAST-K

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