BJP national general secretary Tarun Chugh today said that the SIT formed to look into the charges against the Punjab cabinet minister Lal Chand Karataruchak is a hoax and an eyewash to protect the minister.
Chugh said the fact that the SIT is headed by a DIG serving under the Bhagwant Mann government is a complete joke being played on the people of Punjab.”This is a way to protect him”, he said.
Chugh reiterated his demand to get the matter investigated by CBI or any other central agency, a request that he had made to the Punjab Governor earlier .
He said it is the biggest mockery in democracy that a junior police officer would conduct an inquiry into charges against a cabinet minister.
Chugh said it was the AAP government’s ploy to build pressure on the complainant who comes from Tarn Taran and has already reported the matter to the SC commission.