Srinagar, Dec 28: A high-level delegation of the Plus Two Lecturers Association led by its president Mansoor Ahmad Khan called on the Principal Secretary Alok Kumar on Monday and held a threadbare discussion on various issues confronting the +2 cadre.
According to a statement issued by the association, the topmost issue remained the grant of ACP in favour of the +2 cadre to remove unremitting stagnation and to boost the morale of +2 lecturers. especially direct recruited ones who have no TPB or Career Progression avenues.
“The grant of ACP will benefit lecturers, principals, CEOs and Joint Directors,” the association said, adding, “The Principal Secretary was requested to forward the proposal of ACP to GAD for a further read-through.”
The delegation hailed the department for initiating HR development measures viz promotions, confirmations and academic interventions like the establishment of the School Cluster System and Uniform Academic Calendar.
“Regarding the revision of Recruitment Rules, it was learnt that the department is on it and actively following them for early completion. The issue of lecturers serving in very hard zones for more than 5 years was also discussed,” the statement said.
The Principal Secretary was requested that the lecturers should be repatriated at the earliest under a special transfer drive. “The pending confirmations at different levels from lecturers to Joint Directors were also discussed and it was learnt that the department is actively working on it. However, the Principal Secretary was requested that while making confirmations, the department should strictly adhere to the implementation of GAD Order 743 in letter and spirit,” it said.
The association said the Principal Secretary was requested to take a humanitarian view of transfers on extreme health and marriage grounds. “The revamping of SCERT and DIETs was also discussed and the department was requested,” the statement said. “It was informed during the interaction that the issue of displaced and surplus lecturers would be soon resolved by issuing orders of adjustment.”
“The delegation reiterated the long-pending demand of granting non-vacational status to Principals as they have to remain available in their offices during vacations for different official works,” the statement said.
The association assured the Principal Secretary that the +2 cadre is very fervent in improving the teaching-learning environment in the schools and will shoulder every responsibility in this direction. Those who accompanied the delegation included Dr. Nazim Hussain, Iftikhar Bashir, Sajad Ahmad, Shahabudin Peer, Irfan Mughal, Khursheed Ahmad Lone, Mushtaq Ahmad Bhat, Mohammad Shafi and others.
Plus Two Lecturers Association discusses issues with Pr Secy

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