Blood pressure (BP) needs to be maintained for proper blood supply but high blood pressure can damage your heart, kidneys and eyes.
Beat the BP:
- Eat nuts and Beans: contain L- arginine an amino acid that helps in producing nitric oxide that relaxes muscles. Nuts are also rich in Vit E, a potent antioxidant
- Potassium relaxes the blood vessel walls, lowering BP and removing extra sodium. Citrus fruits, apricots, banana are good sources
- Calcium also helps improve BP. Daily intake of Dairy as milk, Dahi will ensure better BP control.
- Low sodium intake helps in BP control. Studies have highlighted that fresh home cooked food is not the source of excess sodium but packaged food, ready to eat meals and junk food.
Rupali Datta, RD
Founder Diet Decisions
Consultant Nutritionist