To ensure smooth conduct of the upcoming JKSSB exam for the recruitment of the Panchayat Secretary (VLW), the District administration Kishtwar, under the overall supervision of Additional Deputy Commissioner Inderjeet Singh Parihar today hosted training program for supervisory staff, in collaboration with the district Coordinators JKSSB, here in the conference Hall DC Office Complex.
District Coordinators JKSSB Pritam Lal Thapa (Member JKSSB) and Abhay Indu Shrama (Under Secretary JKSSB) briefed the 400 participating invigilators (teachers) besides the centre Superintendents (CS), Exam Coordinators (EC) and observers about all the aspects of OMR based objective type Written exam. They educated them about their role and responsibilities in the smooth and transparent conduct of the examination which is scheduled on December 10, 2023 at different identified centers across the district.
Speaking on the occasion, ADC impressed upon the trainees to follow the procedures in letter and spirit for smooth and transparent conduct of examination in their respective examination centers.
Meanwhile, ADC also informed that the examination would be held on 10-12-23 from 12 noon to 2 pm at designated examination centers.
It was informed that besides Superintendents, Deputy Superintendents and supervisors, the invigilators as per the requirement of one invigilator for 24 students would be engaged.
Moreover, the Magistrates would also be appointed at all examination centers where aspirants have to appear.
Among others, ACR Kishtwar Varunjeet Singh Charak, besides other concerned officials were present on the occasion.