Srinagar, Dec 11: Dr Sanjeev Gulati, Executive Director, Nephrology and Kidney Transplant Fortis Group of Hospitals, NCR, took over as the 52nd President of the Indian Society of Nephrology (ISN) at its annual conference in Pune on December 2.
In his presidential address, Dr Gulati said that over the last couple of years Indians have made their mark in the international arena, be it CEOs of leading multinationals or as political leaders in countries like England apart from India assuming presidency of G20 this year.
“In Nephrology too, several Indian nephrologists from have had leadership positions both in the International Society of Nephrology as well as the American Society of Nephrology,” Dr Gulati said. He promised to strive to work hard along with rest of members of Governing Body to ensure that Indian Society of Nephrology is able to consolidate its position in the global nephrology arena.
Dr Sanjeev shared his research work in kidney diseases over the last three decades which has received national and international acclaim. He highlighted that of the biggest challenges of the current times is to bridge the knowledge gap between the physicians and the common man, a fact underlined by the theme of World Kidney Day 2022. “Even though new and effective therapies have emerged over the last few years, their penetration and availability to the needy and the affected remains low. The emergence of social media has made this even more challenging as it is full of misinformation and unavalidated and alternative therapies. As a result, the common man is often misguided, and patients with CKD continue to present late to nephrologists after spending considerable amount of time and finances on these untested therapies,” he said.
“It is time for everyone to rise up to this challenge and expand the use of social media platforms, beyond teaching of medical fraternity, to the common man, so that we can educate the literate as well as illiterate,” Dr Gulati said. “Under during his tenure the Indian Society of Nephrology plans to launch a number of patient welfare and public outreach initiatives during the forthcoming year.”