Something is terribly wrong with our society as there are certain unsettling things that are occurring every now and then. The brutal murder of 9 year old girl by her own father in Kupwara District is the recent gruesome incident that has sent shivers down our spines. Over the years, there has been an alarming increase in the social ills in our society. Drug addiction, suicides, dowry deaths and other unlawful and immoral activities are eating the very core of our cultural identity. Our women folk are under tremendous pressure; the pressure is such that in certain cases they won’t hesitate ending their lives. In the recent times the rate of suicide has also shown an abnormal increase in our society. Moral degradation and disregard for life has never been as huge as it is these days. There are many instances in our society where girls are badly treated, even abandoned, for not conceiving a male child. When such is the condition of our society we need to seriously think over it. It is very unfortunate that drug abuse is increasing in teens alarmingly and our younger generation is falling prey to the curse of drugs and alcohol. In many cases young people use drugs to escape from mental or physical pain, or challenging circumstances. We need to develop a close and trusting relationship with these people and support and encourage positive behavior among them. In the past, family as an institution used to play an important role in the society by providing unflinching support for its members; it used to provide love and affection and a sense of security from all outside and internal dangers within the community. But unfortunately with the advancement of technology, changing cultural norms and new priorities, family in modern society is losing its value and significance. Nowadays the control of family and school is waning day by day. Crime rates in our society is increasing every passing day. What makes the situation even worse is the ineffectiveness of law enforcing agencies to arrest this trend. In that regard parents have a big role to play in shaping up the future of their children. They should develop a close and trusting relationship with them from an early age and support and encourage positive behavior among them. It is the collective responsibility of parents, civil society organizations and people at large to inform and educate our young generation about the dangers of drug abuse and other social evils. There is a dire need of a sustainable approach on part of government, people and religious institutions if the situation has to be saved from further deterioration.