Jammu, Jan 16:Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha released the motivational book ‘Exam Warriors’ in Hindi, Urdu and English by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Jammu today.
Notably, in this path-breaking, bestselling book ‘Exam Warriors’, Prime Minister outlines a refreshing approach to exams, urging everyone to celebrate exams like a festival with enthusiasm and gaiety .
Interacting virtually with the students and teachers across the district, the Lt Governor said that the 34 mantras given by the Prime Minister in this book are not just for reading and memorizing, but we all should try to imbibe them in our lives needed. So that exams become an occasion of celebration and not of stress.
The Lt Governor said, “34 Mantras by PM for students, teachers and parents will drive away exam stress and help exam warriors taking board exams to deal with anxiety and stress.” He said that this book should be a constant companion of the young aspirants. The Lt Governor said that education is not just about competition among children but the education teaches us how to develop compassion and joy towards life and other human beings.
The Lt Governor also spoke about the annual event ‘Pariksha Pe Charcha’, organized every year since 2018, in which the Prime Minister interacts with students, teachers and parents across the country and gives valuable tips about taking boards and admissions.
‘’Let’s share. Exam in a stress free manner. It is a movement inspired by the efforts of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to bring students, parents, teachers and society together to foster an environment where the unique individuality of each child is celebrated, encouraged is done and allowed to express itself fully, ‘added LG .
“The present generation is fortunate that it has got the National Education Policy-2020, ‘’ the Lieutenant Governor told the officers of the Education Department and District Administration that it is the responsibility of all of us to implement it in letter and spirit.
The Lt Governor said that school education in Jammu and Kashmir is going in the right direction with several important initiatives of the department like reducing the dropout ratio, increasing the enrolment rate. He said that we should continue to work for providing an ideal education to the students with innovative interventions.
‘’ I believe that education is the medium for the mental and spiritual development of any student. We keep learning something or the other throughout our life and if seen in this direction, examination is not the destination, it is the stage. Children should also learn about the great personalities who have contributed in building and nurturing the country,” said the Lt Governor. The Lt Governor also stressed on promotion of local languages in schools.
Alok Kumar, Principal Secretary, Government, School Education Department; Dr. Ravi Shankar Sharma, Director School Education Jammu; Tassaduq Mir, Director School Education Kashmir; Er. Deep Raj Kanethia, Project Director, Holistic Education, District Administration and School Education Department officials were present in person and through virtual mode.