Srinagar, Apr 30: “In the changing agricultural scenario of the country that focuses on organic and natural farming for sustainable food production and nutritional security; scientific bee-keeping has made a tremendous impact in the livelihood system of small farm-holders, by adding substantial income to farmers’ wallet,” said Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi.
It said that since the late 1990s, honey production in India has increased significantly, contributing 70% of its share from informal segments. Hence, bee-keeping is perceived as one of the most lucrative and environmentally friendly agri-business models, the research institute said in a statement.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his 91st episode of the ‘Mann Ki Baat’ programme which was broadcast on 31 July 2022 highlighted that “the sweetness of honey is changing the lives of our farmers by increasing their income”. In this context, he urged the youth of the country to explore opportunities and realize new possibilities in bee-keeping through the spirit of entrepreneurship. He also appreciated the accomplishments of three successful bee-keeping farmers of Yamunanagar (Haryana), Jammu (Jammu & Kashmir) and Gorakhpur (Uttar Pradesh).
“Bee-keeping is one such ingenious enterprise, which facilitates economic transformation, ensures nutritional security, and enhances ecological resilience as emphasized by Prime Minister during his Maan Ki Baat speech on bee-keeping,” the statement said. “In this connection, recently, a pan-India research study related to the promotion of bee-keeping for agri-prenureship and sustainable livelihood in the context of Mann Ki Baat was conducted by the research team of ICAR, New Delhi, with a sample population comprising 40 individual bee-keepers and 40 group bee-keepers (comprising of 2221 members), while covering 56 districts across26 States/UTs of our country.”
The study revealed that the KVKs have played a significant role in upscaling the bee-keeping practices through awareness, training and demonstration programmes that inspired about 32 percent of individual bee-keepers. The lucrative nature of bee-keeping (27.50%) and its success stories highlighted through Mann Ki Baat episodes (22.50%) have motivated individual bee-keepers to take up it as a business enterprise, it said, adding that it was also observed that sustainable and high returns from bee-keeping and support by government/private agencies have changed the attitude of the both individual and group bee-keepers.
Though it is at its nascent stage in India, institutional interventions, policy supports and technical guidance have created a conducive environment to maximize the potential of the bee-keeping sector through the establishment of resource conservation-oriented sustainable business enterprises courtesy of recent mass-scale awareness created by Mann Ki Baat episode, the ICAR said, adding, “More policy interventions may further organise the marketing system on the honeybee, in order to encourage more number of start-ups in this sector.”