Srinagar, April 30: Pursuing the mandate of shaping “Next Gen Leaders” through reformation in education system, SKUAST Kashmir held an in-person interaction with Dr Sanjay Kumar Pradhan for the benefit of student fraternity.
Dr Pradhan recently completed his PhD from Western Sydney University Australia and University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore in sandwich mode. He holds the distinction of being first student from Western Sydney University Australia to win prestigious Illumina-Ramaciotti Student Grant Award.
Dr Sanjay shared his valuable experiences, a roadmap to pursuing higher degree research and various opportunities that the students can avail for pursuing educational degree in sandwich mode. In the opening remarks Prof Azmat Alam, OSD to Honorable Vice-Chancellor SKUAST Kashmir, shed light on “Degree by design” and “Sandwich mode” aspects wherein University is trying meet the global demand of dynamic leadership. He highlighted the importance of connecting to different institutes of National and International repute. Prof Shaheen Kauser Jan (Assoc. Director Education SKUAST Kashmir) in her address stressed on the need of being innovative in approach to education and make best of available opportunity of pursuing Dual-Degree for the students. The organizer of the talk, Dr Uzma Arifie (Assistant Professor) thanked Honorable Vice-Chancellor for giving the opportunity to hold such an interaction. She also thanked Prof. D M Makhdoomi (Director Education SKUAST Kashmir) for the support and Prof M Anwar Bhat (Associate Director Education International Education Cell), Prof Najeebul Rehman Sofi (Associate Director Research MRCFC Khudwani) for undertaking pains to ensure successful conduct of the program.
SKUAST conducts educational talk on ‘Higher Degree Research’

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