There is a dire need for us to free our society from distinctive isms and dogma. In the year 1796, the term ‘ideology’ was formulated by Antoine Destutt de Tracy, a French Enlightenment aristocrat. This very term was devised as “the science of ideas” and was created in view of the several issues faced by people and to combat the fallacies of those times with a pragmatic approach. Undeniably, thoughts of several thinkers have brought about innumerable revolutions in the world and have actually contributed a great deal to empower the oppressed and the downtrodden sects of the society. As a matter of fact, these set of beliefs served as a guiding light and a hope for many who were in a state of despair. However, regrettably today’s generation has misused these ideologies to the extent that people have really forgotten what these beliefs stood for in the past during despotic reigns.
Groups belonging to a certain set of thoughts have become more of a policing force rather than a liberating mechanism which is meant to unshackle people from miseries. It would be unfair of me to forget to mention how feminism has given a voice to the voiceless and has enfranchised women across the globe. But, in the times we are currently living in, feminism has led to women thinking of themselves as superior and equal to men. However, in my opinion, both genders aren’t equal and have certain qualities which make them unique in their own ways. The idea of Communism was to liberate people from the exploitations they faced in their respective workplaces. Unfortunately, in these times, it makes people to think that rich are treacherous and are scavenging upon and usurping the wealth of the poor. Which isn’t true, industry has been the foundation of employment.
Capitalism actually began as a theory to get a deep insight into the functioning of an economy. However, now it has taken an ugly turn, staunch capitalists will use all their might and power to suppress their workforce without paying them sufficient wages in return of labour. Similarly, the promulgation and rapid escalation of nationalism provided people with an identity, sense of national pride and accord. Contrary to this belief, with the passage of time, nationalism has induced a feeling of superiority towards the nationals of other countries. Thus, creating victims of prejudice and repugnance. As we have observed in recent years, communalism has taken over and has plagued the society so much that people have stopped using their minds. As a result of which, citizens express their outrage over communities who aren’t at fault.
The primary motive of Animal Rights activists was to create a sustainable environment for animals. However, their focus has shifted towards meat eaters and deem them as brutal and rogue, not realising that this is required for the food chain to continue. The ideologies of LGBTQ+ activists go beyond logic and reason. Other such ideologies have unarguably led to nothing but radicalism. People who are firm on these doctrines refuse to think out of the box and stop looking at scenarios through the prism rationality.
In order to build up a successful nation and to defeat these isms, one needs to meticulously ponder over the nuances of these quotidian conundrums and speak for what’s right. This can only happen when we develop a collective conscious based on sagacity, mindfulness and the mental growth of generations to come.
(Author is a student at Lancaster University UK)