Srinagar, Aug 25: Rainawari Kashmiri Pandit Action Committee (RKPAC), the apex body for managing Kashmiri Pandit temples, shrines and religious properties in Rainawari, Srinagar organised the traditional Zaram Satam celebrations to welcome the Krishna Avatar. The religious function to welcome the Bhaggwan Krisna was organised at Sri Sri Jagat Amba Sharika Chareshwari Sanastha, Hari Parbat, Doke Paloura,Jammu.
The function started with the invocation mantras. Seeking the blessings of the Bhagwan Krishna. Sanjay Raina, eminent religious scholar and sadhak was the guest speaker on this occasion. He enlightened the devotees about the significance of the Krishna Avatar in the contemporary times when the Kashmiri Pandit community is in forced exile from more than three decades facing continuous genocide and religious cleansing.
Speaking on the occasion he said,” Krishna Avatar is the epitome of the Dharmic values and relevant in all times. His teachings codified in the Bhagwad Gita are not merely meant to be recited during last ties but these teachings are meant to be emulated throughout life. There was great design on the part of colonisers to subvert it. But we as a nation have defeated this subversion.”
Exhorting the community to strictly uphold the time tested traditions, Sanjay Raina said, “There is vehement onslaught to destroy the age old religious traditions of the Kashmiri Pandits by the vested intrests so that their identity is erased ,Kashmir’s place consciousness and aesthetics eroded from their lives. Kashmiri Pandits follow the Laugakshi School in Dharma Shastra and as such we must uphold the scientific manuals of our Rishis with respect to karma kanda, celebrations of festivals and day to day religious celebrations. Community will not allow the vested interests to destroy the identity and defeat their nefarious designs.”
Surinder Kaul, Vice President, RKPAC said,” RKPAC is committed to uphold, preserve, conserve and manage all temples of Rainawari, Srinagar with active support of all the temples and mohalla commitees of Rainawari. In this connection RKPAC is working tirelessly and sensitising the masses about the importance to of their religious heritage in Rainawari. RKPAC and all its constituent temple committes are taking up the matter of the restoration and safety of all Rainawari temples with the concerned authorities in Srinagar, Kashmir. We appeal to DC Srinagar, who is the custodian of the internally displaced Kashmiri Pandit religious properties and police administration to help and facilitate the safety, security and restoration of the temple properties to the authorised temples committees and act against illegal occupants and encroachers.”
On this occasion R .K Sapru and his team presented Krishna Bhajanas and enthralled the audience with his soulful rendition. Krishna Leela and Ras Leela of Radha and Krishna was presented by the talented children of Matamaal. On this occasion Prasad was distributed among the devotees.
Various temples committes from Rainawari Srinagar participated in this auspicious celebration of Zaram Satam.These included Jogishwari Mandir Trust(Lokut Mandir),Shiv Ji Temple Welfare Committee(Bodh Mandir),Gokul Mandir Sabha,Shree Vaitaal Bhairav Sewa Samiti, Mishapur Mandir Committee. The prominent members representing the temples commitees of Rainawari included Bannerji Hak, Rakesh Hangloo, Dilip Ji Handoo, Sunil Choudhary, Ravi Mahaldar,Anil Kachroo, Suman Mahaldar, Verender Dembi, Shiban Ji Kher, Krishen Ji Bhat, Nana Ji Zadoo, Dr. Mahesh Kaul.
The programme was ably conducted by Ravi Mahaldar.