Srinagar, June 11: Writers Guidance Council(WGC) led by Kashmir-based medico cum noted columnist Dr. Tasaduk Hussain Itoo on Tuesday held a webinar titled “Writing a Scientific research paper” under its guidance program.
The webinar was anchored by Faheem Ul Islam(young published author); and the speakers on the occasion were Professor(Dr.) Muhammad Amin Malik(College Principal, academician, noted researcher and columnist) and Dr. Tasaduk Hussain Itoo(medico, educator cum noted columnist).
Speaking on the occasion Dr. Tasaduk highlighted the importance of writing a scientific research paper and said that it has lot of impact in revolutionizing the society and in alleviating the sufferings of humanity.
He said that our research scholars being highly capable have an immense role to play and they should get enough motivated towards such noble works and should be passionate in doing so.
“To foster the robust research in any field, there should be higher investment in it from the Government and there is also a need to strengthen and ensure availability of adequate resources and infrastructure to premier research institutions in the country.”, he added.
Professor(Dr.) Muhammad Amin Malik, the key note speaker gave a detailed presentation regarding the topic and said that scientific research means creating a new knowledge and it is the systematic inquiry or investigation of a specific subject area to establish facts and reach new conclusions.
“The purpose of writing a research paper is to communicate your findings, ideas and insights to the scientific community and researchers of the world which they can retrieve, test and comment upon.”, Dr. Malik said.
Dr. Malik said that writing a research paper needs a lot of dedication and hard work as a research scholar has to go through a body of literature, study already published journals articles, books and hunt the thoughts of great scientists in the field.
“A research scholar should be very cautious about predatory journals or articles as one of the most important things about a research paper is its authenticity — a research paper produced at one place must also be valid in any other place of the world.” he added.
The webinar was attended by students and research scholars from various states of India and they posed various questions regarding the topic, which were answered by concerned speakers.
The webinar concluded with Vote of Thanks presented by Council Head.
WGC holds national webinar for research scholars

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