Srinagar, Feb 18: A week-long training programme on ‘Beekeeping’ for unemployed tribal youth of Shalnard Sagam of district Anantnag was inaugurated here at SKUAST Kashmir.
The programme is being sponsored by the Department of Tribal Affairs (Govt. of Jammu & Kashmir) under the project ‘Empowerment of Unemployed Tribal Youth through Scientific Beekeeping’.
Prof. Naseer Ahmad Dar, Associate Director Research, SKUAST-K, Shalimar graced the occasion as Chief Guest.
In his inaugural speech he highlighted the importance of the programme and impressed upon the participants to take full advantage of this training. He also stressed on adopting beekeeping as a venture for income generation.
Prof. M.A.Paray, Head, Division of Entomology in his opening remarks said that training is being intended to develop skill in various aspects of Scientific beekeeping and the trainees will be given know how and practical demonstrations for rearing honey bees on scientific basis and how to use them efficiently for pollination of agricultural and horticultural crops, honey and other bee hive products.
The Welcome address was presented by Dr. Parveena Bano, Associate Professor, RTCPPPM, SKUAST Kashmir while the vote of Thanks was presented by Dr. Sajad A Ganie (Principal Investigator ) of the project.
Other Scientists including Dr. Zakir Hussain and Dr. Rizwana Khurshid and non-teaching staff of the centre were also present on the occasion.
Week-long training prog on beekeeping commences at SKUAST-K

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