Srinagar, Aug 27: The vegetable Seed Multiplication Farm in tapper area of north Kashmir Baramulla district has become a model farm in the valley and this year it is marching towards quality bumper seed production.
Farm Manager SMF Tapper, Charan Gurdev Singh said that they have followed many best farming practices in the farm along with the introduction of modern equipment.
“For example for cucurbits, we have made it tunnel shaped by using bamboo sticks so that the fruit hangs freely and its length gets high,” he said. At the farm, the guidelines of SKUAST-K are followed and nutrients, fertilizers are given as per the norms.
“We use beds in poly greenhouses in seedlings for chilli, cucurbit and brinjal. The healthy seedlings are ready in 35 days and then these are transplanted,” he said.
One plant is given a proper area to get healthy seed followed by seed extraction then checking of moisture and winnowing.
The Farm Manager said many people including farmers have visited the farm and have been inspired and surprised by the best practices followed at the farm. “I have seen many farms but this is a model and unique,” he said.
The government seed multiplication farm is spread over 162 kanals of land that produces hybrid seedlings that are given to farmers and seeds are taken to the department. High-tech poly houses are used for producing seedlings. Annually, it produces 2 lakh seedlings.
“We give farmers quality seedlings and we make sure that the seedlings are hybrid. Once there is a good seed the farmer’s production increases and it increases their income,” he said.
The farm produces both kharif and rabi seeds as per the cropping plans of the agriculture department. The seeds are sowed, harvested, washed, dried and then go to the farmers through the divisional agriculture department.
“The agriculture is the backbone of the economy and in agriculture seed farms are the backbone of agriculture. When there is quality seed it is for the benefit of farmers,” he said.
The farm provides seeds and seedlings to farmers on subsidized rates. They directly visit the farmer. Preference is given to farmers of surrounding villages.
The farm the officials said has also become a training centre as well as farmers keep visiting there.
Junior Agriculture Extension Officer at the SMF, Dr Sharan Gurdev Singh said the main aim is to motivate and inspire farmers through the productive techniques that are being applied for better farming and for better results. “Even students also come to the farm to learn the different kinds of modern farming practices,” he said.
“By producing such a quality of seed we will no longer be dependent on seeds that come from outside the valley. Many farmers have visited the farm and we have given them ideas and suggestions as to how to turn their land cultivable for vegetables and earn livelihood,” he said.
“People should come and take the guidance. They can become technocrats there. Seed production is the best idea for the farmers,” the Junior Agriculture Extension Officer said.
Director Agriculture Kashmir, Chowdhury Mohammad Iqbal, who recently visited the farm, said over the years the departmental farms are undergoing major transformation.
The Director expressed satisfaction over the transformation of the farm and appreciated its role in the successful implementation of different modern technologies.
“These farms have to play a bigger role in the coming days in catering demand of farmers for seeds besides work as model centres for cultivation of agricultural crops,” he said.
The director said due to climate change, decline in land resources, agriculture operations need to be strategically diversified so that the impact could be minimized.
Veg seed multiplication farm in B’la offers scientific farming practices

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