Budgam, Jan 24: Prof Shakil Ahmad Romshoo today inaugurated Sadre Mouj hostel with a capacity to house 200 students at IUST’s Alamdar Memorial College of Nursing and Medical technology ChariShrief.
Speaking on the occasion, Prof Romshoo said that construction of hostel facilities was taken on priority basis to ensure convenience for the students belonging to far off places.
He inspected different facilities in the campus and passed directions for timely completion of all projects underway and said that the state of the art facilities available at the college should be harnessed to make the learning by students an enriching and engaging experience.
During his interaction with the locals who requested imparting of skill training to the youth pursing religious education in the local Darul ulooms, Prof Romshoo assured them that specific skilling programmes will be curated enabling them to earn their livelihoods.
He said that IUST through its skilling academy KAST has trained over 3000 youth in over 21 job roles under PMKVY 3.0.He also urged the Principal of the College, Dr Zamrooda Akhtar to undertake community outreach activities for spreading awareness among the locals about health, wellness and other issues concerning general upliftment. He thanked the Government for their generous support in achieving different milestones for providing of quality education to the students.
Prof Naseer Iqbal, Registrar IUST said that the inauguration of hostels would assuage the long-standing demand of students . He said that structures built at a cost of over 11 crores are furnished and have separate mess facilities .
Among those present on the inauguration were Director NIFT, Dr Javaid Ahmad, Officers from UT administration, prominent locals, College Principal Dr Zamrooda Akhtar Faculty and staff, Principal SMMCN&MT Ms Asmat Parveen, Executive Engineer IUST, Mr Ghulam Nabi Bhat, AEE Mr Asrar Ahmad, DR Estates, Dr S.Iqbal Qureshi, and others.
VC IUST inaugurates ‘Sadre Mouj’ hostel at Char-i-Sharief

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