Union Home Secretary Ajay Kumar Bhalla on Wednesday visited Police Headquarters at Srinagar where he chaired senior officers meeting. He was accompanied by Director IB, Shri Tapan Kumar Deka.
The meeting was attended among others by DGP J&K Shri Dilbag Singh, DIB, Shri Tapan Kumar Deka, Additional Chief Secretary J&K, Shri R. K. Goyal, Spl. DG CID J&K Shri R. R. Swain, ADGP Jammu, Shri Mukesh Singh, ADGP Headquarters PHQ, Shri M. K. Sinha, IGP Traffic J&K, Shri Vikramjeet Singh and Divisional Commissioner Kashmir Shri Vijay Kumar Bidhuri. The Union Home Secretary was received by DGP J&K and his team of officers on his arrival at PHQ.
DGP J&K and other officers briefed the Union Home Secretary regarding the working of Jammu and Kashmir Police and measures taken for maintaining peace in the UT. On the occasion, DGP on behalf of all ranks of J&K Police presented mementos to the Union Home Secretary & DIB as a token of love & respect.