Jammu and Kashmir Police on Monday said that it has arrested two notorious drug peddlers in North Kashmir’s Sopore area of Baramulla district.
A Police spokesperson said that on the directions of SSP Sopore, under the supervision of SDPO Sopore, headed by SHO Police Station Tarzoo a naka was established at Seer Crossing, during naka checking one santro car bearing registration number JK05E-0669 was intercepted and two persons were boarding in said car, during their personal search 96 capsules of SPASMOPROXYVON Plus were recovered from Iqrar ul Islam S/O Khazir Muhammad Dar R/O Amargarh and 120 capsules of SPASMOPROXYVON Plus were recovered from Owais Mushtaq Hakeem.
In this regard Case FIR No. 05/2023 “under relevant sections of law stands registered at Police Station Tarzoo and further investigation has been taken up”, he said.