Srinagar, Feb 14: A week-long training programme on ‘Financial Prudence & Tapping Funding Opportunities for MSMEs’ commenced on Tuesday at SKUAST-Kashmir’s Shuhama campus.
The training programme is being organized by School of Agricultural Economics & Horti-Business Management, Faculty of Horticulture in Collaboration with Division of Veterinary & Animal Husbandry Extension, SKUAST-Kashmir.
It is sponsored by the Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME), Government of India under its existing MDP scheme.
About 25 budding entrepreneurs from various fields including research scholars will be participating and deliberating on the theme during the week-long programme.
Prof. Haroon Rashid Naik, Director Planning & Monitoring, SKUAST Kashmir was the Chief Guest in the inaugural session while Prof. M.T. Banday Dean FVSc & AH Shuhama was the Guest of Honour who were accompanied by Prof. Abdul Hai, Head Div. of Vet & AH Extension and Prof. Sajad Hassan Baba, Head Agri. Economics School FoH, on the dais.
In addition to participants, various Faculty members were also present during the inaugural function.
In his inaugural address Prof. Haroon highlighted the need and importance of entrepreneurship in the present era for the growth and development of society on whole.
He stressed on the participants to make full use of the training sessions to get more skilled on scientific lines.
Prof. Naik captured the attention of the audience through his motivational talk on effective management of resources and University’s role in hand-holding budding entrepreneurs for their better and impactful professional existence.
Prof. M.T. Banday spoke on the utility of present training for participants in context of ever changing local and global scenario. He further threw light on various aspects of financial prudence and funding opportunities, for better understanding and identification of key areas of stress for audiences to be followed in their practical ventures.
Prof. Sajjad Baba highlighted various contours of the training programme and its theme associated with effective outcomes for young professionals and entrepreneurs. He briefed the participants about the background of the MSMEs programs held by the SKUAST Kashmir in context to its need and importance with a historical perspective in place for the same.
Earlier Dr. Omer Fayaz Khan, Assistant Professor School of Agricultural Economics & Horti- Business Management formally welcomed the participants and other guests & gave a brief account about the training and its upcoming sessions.
Prof. Abdul Hai, Head Division Veterinary & Animal Husbandry Extension & convener of the event proposed the formal vote of thanks.
The training program is one of the 66 MSME sponsored training programmes conducted by SKUAST Kashmir while it is first to be held under the banner of Faculty Outreach Centre at Div. of Veterinary & Animal Husbandry Extension, FVSc & AH Shuhama in recent times.