In the movie Babli Bouncer, the protagonistBabli Tanwar played by Tamannah Bhatia lives in a village, Fatehpur Beri of Haryana. The village, known as village of bouncers, is known for producing bouncers for Delhi pubs. Her father Gangaram played by Saurabh Shukla runs an akhada for wrestlers.
Under the influence of the male bodybuilders, Babli behaves like a tomboy who beats people who offend her, overeats and burps. Her mother Ganga, played by Supriya Shukla scorns her tomboy version and wants her to act like a girl.
The five times tenth fail, Babli who speaks rudimentary English fell in love with her former teacher’s son, Viraj, played by Abhishek Bajaj who is well educated and lives in Delhi.
She wants to go to Delhi to get married to him. She takes up the job of a lady bouncer in one of the clubs in Delhi where she deals with aggressive women. She receives a lot of appreciation for her work in the male dominated field.
She expresses her love to Viraj but for her male traits, dressing sense and behaviour, she gets rejected by him.
Heartbroken, Babli wants to improve herself and takes up her studies again to appear in 10th class examination.
In the second half of the movie, she transforms herself into someone who is more focused to be independent. She learns to speak English and improves her way of dressing.
One day, she saves Viraj from goons which makes him like her. Inreturn, she tells him about her plans of being independent and waves him off.
In the end of the movie, she gets in a fight with some goons who kidnap a girl from the pub. Babli gets public attention for her bravery and acceptance among her people.
Streaming on Disney+ and Hotstar, the movie by Madhur Bhandarkar gives heart-warming touches and funny punches, apart from giving a message of women empowerment in a subtle way.