Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha on Friday said the marketplaces in Lal Chowk and old Srinagar will soon resemble those in Delhi, Chandigarh, and Mumbai, giving people the impression that they are in one of these sophisticated and vibrant cities.
He stated this while speaking to reporters at the inauguration of the Polo View market, which was renovated as part of the Smart City Project. Shopkeepers praised him and expressed gratitude to the J&K government for transforming the look of the market.
People here were inconvenienced during the job execution, he said, adding that he is grateful to them for cooperating in the establishment of the first wireless and pedestrian market, which would boost the rush of shoppers to this market.
The Smart City Project is a Rs 3000 crore comprehensive strategy aimed at revitalizing Srinagar, which has already made great progress. The J&K government has created cycle lanes and made bicycles accessible for an hourly fee at several locations throughout the city as part of the project. Roadside parking has also been made accessible for a fee, considerably reducing traffic congestion on the city’s roads. Ghanta Ghar, the famed clock tower, is also being repaired, as are the adjacent roads.