Global climate change is one of the most pressing problems facing humanity today. It is caused by the buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, primarily from the burning of fossil fuels and other human activities.The transportation sector is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions and global climate change accounting for 23% of energy-related CO2 and is also responsible for air pollution, and noise pollution both in urban and rural areas. Burning fossil fuels release carbon dioxide, methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) into the atmospherecausing the Earth’s atmosphere to warm, resulting in changes to the global climate we are already starting to see today.
Climate mitigation refers to efforts to reduce or prevent greenhouse gas emissions in order to slow down or stop the process of climate change. The primary goal of climate mitigation is to limit the increase in global temperatures and minimize the impacts of climate change on the planet. Smooth roads alone may not directly lead to climate mitigation, but they can play a role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions by enabling more efficient and sustainable transportation. Actions that reduce greenhouse gas emissions are good for the planet and can mitigate climate change.According to a study, 2 % of greenhouse gas emissions are reduced through the maintenance of roads and highways.
Roads have an important role in climate mitigation. One way that smooth roads can contribute to climate mitigation is by reducing fuel consumption and emissions from vehicles. When roads are in good condition, vehicles can travel more smoothly and efficiently, reducing the amount of fuel they need to consume and the number of emissions they produce. Additionally, smooth roads can reduce wear and tear on vehicles, which can also reduce the need for maintenance and repairs, further reducing emissions which further helps in climate mitigation. Smooth roads can improve public transportation and other forms of mass transitby reducing travel time and increasing the efficiency of buses. This can lead to fewer cars on the road, resulting in reduced emissions.
Better and smooth road conditions can make it easier for people to cycle, walk, and use other non-motorized forms of transportation. This can reduce the number of cars on the road and promote healthy and active lifestyles.Smooth roads have a longer lifespan and require less maintenance and repair compared to rough and potholed roads. This reduces the amount of materials and energy required to maintain roads and results in lower greenhouse gas emissions.Smooth roads are essential for electric vehicles as they require a stable and predictable surface to operate efficiently.
An effective way to increase road resilience and help them fight global warming is to identify, develop or revise and subsequently implement construction and design standards. We have witnessed huge traffic jams, especially in India due to the narrowing and bad conditions of the roads. It will take us hours to reach our destination instead of minutes. This extra time taken means our vehicles have consumed more fuel which in turn releases more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere leading to global warming.
(Author is Environmental Specialist J&K, DEERS)