Jammu, Jan 24: Skipping Rope is an excellent form of exercise and a fun way for kids to get creative while they move. This exercise is excellent for improving cardio respiratory fitness, coordination and balance, strengthening muscles and making bones stronger.
To induce this special sports activity amongst the students, Rope Skipping Association of J&K exclusively organized Rope Skipping Workshop for Jodhamal Public School, Jammu today, in their school premises under the slogan : ‘My Youth , My Pride’ to engage more youth towards Sports. Around 400 students from School took part in this mega workshop.
The whole workshop was conducted under the technical supervision of Danish Sharma – Technical Director – RSAJK along with Skippers’ team : Nitin Kumar, Zayin Dobriyal , Rudrakshit Gupta, Radhika Sharma,Shivang Kumar. The initiative for Rope Skipping Workshop taken by Mr. Vinod Dogra &Mr.Vishal Samrat – School Coach, MsGeetanjaili Thakur the HOD sports &Mrs.Deepali Puri-CCA Coordinator Jr Wing Etc were also present in the workshop along with the teachers. The event was organised by Ms Mubeen Butt CCA coordinator Sr wing.
The principal Dr Deep Kharre graced the occasion with his words of appreciation for the Skippers’ team & congratulated them for their initiative. Like other sports Rope Skipping will also be included as a part of the curriculum in the School.