Prime Minister Narendra Modi congratulated the Indian women’s compound team of Jyothi Surekha Vennam, Parneet Kaur, and Aditi Gopichand Swami, for bagging the gold medal at the World Archery Championships 2023 in Berlin on Friday.
“A proud moment for India as our exceptional compound Women’s Team brings home India’s first-ever gold medal in the World Archery Championship held in Berlin. Congratulations to our champions! Their hard work and dedication have led to this outstanding outcome,” PM Modi said in a tweet on Saturday.
It was India’s first-ever gold at the archery world championships in any category.
In the gold medal final, the Indian trio defeated the Mexican combination of Dafne Quintero, Ana Sofa Hernandez Jeon, and Andrea Becerra 235-229.
The Indian trio, placed second in the qualification round, defeated defending champions Colombia 220-216 in the semi-finals to go to the title match.
After getting a bye in the first round, the Indian women’s compound team defeated Chinese Taipei and Turkey in the quarter-finals and pre-quarterfinals, respectively.
India had won 11 medals at the World Archery Championships, including nine silver and two silver. (ANI)