Success and failure are relative terms defined by the relatives. Relatives are not absolute so they are relative. What makes them relatives is not that they relate to you but by virtue of being fence sitters. Those who observe your doom or success from an appreciable distance and celebrate your failures more often than successes makes them relative to you. They preside over your doom in many ways. And this characteristic makes them your relative. Blood is not a glue that binds or generates sensitivity but it develops animosity and jealousy. They channelize this by indulging in subversion by picking up one or two moles in your family to wreck you when they feel that you can’t be subdued on the front. Front of competition. Be it argumentation or socializing. Intelligence or intellect. When countering you becomes impossible when facing each other they hire masks.When these masks are torn into tatters by your mind that reads their advances; they retreat not to concede defeat but indulge in introspection not to accept their sins but to devise ways and means to weaken you.The ‘beast’ way out for them is to thrust low intensity cost benefit War, where they don’t have to walk up to you or exchange verbal duels but engage a mercenary. And the war of subversion becomes more acute and effective for them when they set your parents against you in the name of blood. By making them invoke the blood that flows in their veins of beings siblings and progeny of the same parents. The war becomes more than proxy when the instrument used against you is your mother.Mother is the manifestation of energy and when that energy is used by your adversary against you; The war is agonizing. They know they can affect your body by their war when face to face but the best way to subdue you is to bruise your soul and when the soul is touched it unhinges you. When the instrument to unhinge your soul is your mother; it makes the pain exponential and it multiplies every moment a word is spoken. And you know it is your enemy speaking through your mother.
A dilemma of absolute order created by the relative. Absolute and relative;when they work at the same level-it leads to the cosmic imbalance generating the energy that is not natural but anti thesis of what is natural. This un natural synthesis of these energies generates the field of evil and ruptures the aesthetics of harmony. Brothers who use mothers to subdue their sons as the sons read the evil minds of brothers and caution their mothers against the catastrophe in advance. Brother’s dream of decimating the son is shattered. Then he puts his sister to wage a proxy war for her brother not knowing that she is being pursued to wage a way against her own self own creation.Krishna escaped the jaws of death in the form of Kansa but mother was aware of the evil genius of her brother. She was not part of his schemes to part away with her son. But Today Kansa has co opted his sister to set the historical example of Krishna escaping the prison walls topsy turvy as the Mother-the Absolute has been caught in the cusp of the Kansa. Krishna is not in a position to escape the prison of death and the schemes of wrath unleashed upon him in this era of Kaliyuga. The war becomes more complex; as the son is pitted against both mother and her brother.Has the time changed or has the time been chained. Chained in the energy of evil when the energy that is bliss and absolute has caged herself in the bonds of blood though the blood is evil.Krishna of Dwapar Yuga eliminating Kansa and upholding his mother and father is at war with Krishna who is in a dilemma as mother has been co opted by the Kansa to enforce doom on her by making her eliminate her defender. What a paradox of Kaliyuga?
Paradox of Life

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