Srinagar, Dec 03: A camp for Early detection of cervical cancer was held in JLNM Hospital, Rainawari, Srinagar on Saturday.
Cervical cancer is one of the common cancers in ladies all over the country. The Camp was organized jointly by Gauri Research centre and Amity University, NCR. The management of the hospital and the directorate Health Services, Kashmir helped in carrying out this activity. Prof Nighat Firdous, former HOD, OBG, GMC, Srinagar was the team leader of this event. Gauri Heart Centre and its technical staff under the leadership of its MD Dr Zubair Saleem also provided the logistics and its staff.
All the 75 ladies seen at the camp were subjected to an ECG, routine blood and urine examination. This was followed by a precise gynaecological check-up including taking a PAP smear for carrying out the histology to detect early microscopic changes. Besides this an App was used to screen the individuals. An awareness and education regarding the reproductive health and hygiene was imparted to the participants. The detailed analysis of the data will be done under the expertise of Prof Priya Ranjan of Bhubaneshwar Institute of Technology and Mr Kumar Dron Shrivastava of Amity Institute of Public Health, NOIDA by using artificial intelligence.
Speaking to the correspondents Ms Priyadarshini, one of the Directors of the Gauri Research Centre expressed her satisfaction at the response from the hospital authorities and the Directorate of Health, Kashmir and hoped that it will be useful for the participants.
Prof Upendra Kaul, Founder Director, Gauri Kaul Foundation said such activities are a part of the mission of the foundation and will be held on several pressing problems of the community in Jammu and Kashmir. An early diagnosis of cervical cancer always helps in preventing the problem from becoming disseminated and in-operable.
He also thanked Dr Mushtaq, the Director Health Services, Kashmir, Dr Abdul Rouf, MS and Dr Bilquees Shah, Dy MS of the JLNM Hospital for providing all the support.