Man can undoubtedly figure out what is beneficial for him and what isn’t. It is very easy to decide anytime, whether it be in our own period of advanced knowledge or in primitive conditions, what is good for humanity. Man has a natural ability to observe this point for himself. Even a child takes no time to decide what is good for him. He knows what will really help him. He holds his parents dear for he finds them immensely beneficial, so does he also think about his kith and kin. Likewise, he is drawn irresistibly towards those who are intelligent, mature and experienced. A child finds out his benefactor. We should, however, realize that man’s wishes often run counter to ground realities. Communities, nations and even individuals have been guilty of placing a premium on their wishes, while disregarding reality.
Vast empires throughout history, including the Roman and Persian ones committed the same mistake of not discerning reality and of failing to fulfill the demands of reality. While studying history one realizes that their disregard for reality brought about their decline and fall. Allah (SWT) has promised man that he will obtain success in his striving. It is emphasized in the Holy Quran that man’s efforts will bear fruit. As to the time-scale of gathering the fruit of one’s striving, the Holy Quran hints that this may take a very long time. Man is thus told not to despair if he does not gain immediate results. Man is to be credited for much in the world- the vast empires, the rise of various civilizations, the spread and advancement of knowledge, and intellectuals appearing on the public scene.
All these are manifestations of man’s striving. These also stand out as illustrations of the Quranic promise that man will be recompensed for his efforts. The Holy Quran contains glad tidings about man’s striving, which revives man’s spirit. One who thinks very highly of his mental abilities and refuses to follow the system does not achieve success, especially at a young age. One rejecting discipline cannot grow into a competent professional. The Quranic principle applies to all walks of life. Divine guidelines are based on human instinct and common sense. If we will not follow the divine commandments in letter and spirit, we can’t achieve success. Being good humans we must do well, speak truth even if that goes against our interests and encourage one another to be patient, compassionate and merciful.
(Author is Research Scholar in Islamic Studies and is a teacher)