Jammu, Dec 31: Director General of Police (DGP) J&K Dilbag Singh has approved the promotion of 1347 Assistant Sub-Inspectors of Executive and Armed Wing to the rank of Sub Inspectors “in one of the biggest promotion bonanzas on the eve of New Year”.
A Departmental Promotion Committee was convened under the chairmanship of the DGP J&K at Police Headquarters Jammu and after a thorough scrutiny of the service records, promotion in respect of these officers has been ordered, a police spokesperson said in a statement, adding that 994 Assistant Sub-Inspectors of Executive Police and 353 Assistant Sub-Inspectors of Armed Police have been promoted as Sub Inspectors.
The DGP in his message congratulated all the officers and their families. He expressed hope that this elevation would bring new and positive energy among the force to work tirelessly for achieving organizational goals.
Meanwhile, ADGP Armed J&K SJM Gillani issued the promotion orders for 367 police personnel which include the promotion of 353 Assistant Sub-Inspectors to the rank of Sub-Inspectors and 14 Head-Constables to the rank of Assistant Sub-Inspectors. In this regard order numbers 936 and 937 of 2022 both dated 31-12-2022 regarding the promotion of 353 ASIs to the rank of SIs and 14 HCs to the rank of ASIs respectively were issued on Saturday by the Armed Police Headquarters J&K Srinagar.
“The promotions of such a huge number of ASIs to the rank of Sub-Inspectors could be possible in view of the one-time 1 year, 8 months’ relaxation granted by the PHQ J&K in the qualifying service of the ASIs of J&K Armed Police w.e.f 31.12.2022 to make them eligible for the said promotion for which the ADGP Armed expressed his gratitude to the DGP J&K Dilbag Singh,” the police spokesperson said.
The ADGP Armed congratulated the newly promoted SIs & ASIs and wished good luck to them and their families. He hoped that newly promoted SIs & ASIs shall continuously demonstrate discipline, hard work and dedication towards their respective assignments so that their colleagues may also get inspired and follow them accordingly.