Srinagar, Feb 04: A day long training program on identification of psychosocial and mental health issues was organized by CGWC IMHANS K in collaboration with Inclusive Education and Guidance & counselling, here at JKSCERT on Saturday.
During the programme, a team of resource persons from CGWC IMHANS K trained master trainers of inclusive education and guidance and well-being units.
Master trainers were trained so that they would institutionalize and replicate the training modules at their district levels.
On the occasion, senior academic officer from JKSCERT Spoke about the need for mental health among children.
Speaking on the occasion, Rubeena Salma, HOD inclusive education, stressed the need for such training programs for the larger good of student community.
The training program was cordinated by Syed Mujtaba, who talked about the need for sensitization of teachers about mental health and psychological issues and institutionalization of these efforts in mainstreaming of child mental health.
Baseerat ul Ain, speech therapist at CGWC, highlighted the developmental milestones and developmental delays in child development.
Shabnam shafi, remedial educator at CGWC, did an activity with the master trainers about the Developmental milestones.
Dr Bilal, clinic psychologist at CGWC, talked about the specific learning disability and the educational concessions available as per the policy available.
Masood Ali presented the vote of thanks.
IMHANS-K trains master trainers of JKSCERT on mental health

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