Kashmir, renowned worldwide for its breathtaking beauty, also holds a rich abundance of herbs prized for their medicinal and culinary significance. Among these treasures, many possess potent medicinal properties, serving as remedies for health conditions.
One such plant is Dandelion, known as Handh in Kashmiri, a flowering plant often regarded as a weed, flourishing in various parts of the valley. Its greens have historically been utilized in Kashmiri cuisine, particularly favored among lactating mothers in bygone eras.
The herb naturally flourishes during April and May, thriving in both plains and peripheries alike. Across numerous parts of the valley, rural women diligently collect Handh, meticulously washing it with water before letting it air dry.
Every year, Jana Begum from Budgam gathers the herb, dries it on her house’s balcony. She generously shares it with neighbors and relatives, particularly for benefit of pregnant women. Its usage persists among pregnant women and during the post-delivery period.
“After the local herb is dried it is stored or kept in cotton bags or cloths. It is also used in winters when there is shortage of vegetables. Many people cook Handh with chicken while others cook with mutton,” she said.
“In terms of nutritional content, the dandelion patch in your backyard can join the ranks of the rest of your vegetable garden. “From root to flower, dandelions are highly nutritious plants, loaded with vitamins, minerals and fibre,” Jana said.
The use of dandelion comes from 10th century by Arab physicians and is known for having medicinal properties and has been used to treat myriad ailments including liver, digestive disorders, appetite stimulant and as laxative.
“All parts of dandelion are useful in its own way, let it be root, flower, stem or greens which are most vitamin rich packs. Cultivated dandelion greens are a bit larger than their foraged counterparts. The greens are little bitter by nature, but smaller the leaf mild and tender is the flavour, best is to consume neither bigger nor smaller but medium leaves,” she said.
Observations reveal that numerous women vend the dried herb in various markets across Srinagar, where it enjoys a preference, particularly during the winter months.
Dandelion greens are beneficial for healthy bones because of two major factors one it being rich source of calcium and vitamin k and other is it promotes healthy gut bacteria which supports healthy bones and also improved digestion.
Associate Dean at Shere-e Kashmir University of Agriculture Sciences and Technology (SKUAST-K), Prof (Dr.) M. F. Baqual said Handh is widely distributed in temperate and cold regions of world.
“It is a herb having tremendous medicinal value and is either used in green or in dry form. In Kashmir, there is a tradition of feeding lactating mothers with handh fortified with mutton chops. This is done after boiling the leaves of herb and detoxifying it after throwing away the bitter liquid. It is reported to have binding and blood building action,” he said.
He said it is used as a diuretic as it contains high levels of potassium salts and therefore can replace the potassium that is lost from the body when diuretics are used.
“All parts of the plant have medicinal value especially its root which is used as aperient, cholagogue, depurative and laxative etc.,” Prof. Baqual said.
The plant also finds use in the treatment of gallstones, jaundice, cirrhosis, dyspepsia with constipation and oedema etc. The plant is also reported to have antibacterial action, inhibiting the growth of Staphylococcus aureus, pneumococci etc.
“100g of the raw leaves contain about 2.7 g. protein, 9.2 g. carbohydrate, 187 mg Calcium, 66mg phosphorus, 3.1 mg iron, 76 mg sodium, 397 mg potassium, 36 mg magnesium, 14000iu vitamin A, 0.19 mg vitamin B1, 0.26 mg vitamin B2, 35mg vitamin C. The herb also finds use in cosmetic industry besides rubber industry as well where its latex is used,” he said.
Dr Muhammad Jamal, Medical Officer Department of AYUSH said Handh (Dandelion) the backyard herb is packed with unbelievable health benefits for lactating mother’s since old times and has been used in Kashmiri cuisine since ages due to its medicinal properties.
“Due to these medicinal properties it has been used to treat myriad ailments of liver and digestive disorders. Handh has the ability to fight infection due to its antimicrobial and antiviral properties,” he said.
Handh is a rich source of provitamin A Betacarotin, which is a natural antioxidant, vitamin B9, vitamin C B1B6 and B12 and high source of iron and calcium and vitamin K and small amount of protein content.
“The roots of Handh are rich in carbohydrate inulin which is a soluble fibre which supports the growth of healthy bacterial flora in the intestines which in turn helps in treating constipation and other symptoms of impaired digestion,” Dr Jamal said.
A research conducted by three researchers, titled ‘Medicinal plants used during Pregnancy and Childbirth in Baramulla District of Jammu and Kashmir’ in September 2021 has revealed that the traditional use of medicinal plants during pregnancy and childbirth is still a well-established practice in Baramulla.
Local women, according to the research, have a great belief in indigenous medicine. They seem to rely on plants to cure a variety of pregnancy-related ailments such as nausea, swelling of the feet and ankles, and weakness, as well as to prevent miscarriage, induce labor, and make delivery easier.
“The common benefits of using herbal medicine during pregnancy and childbirth include managing vomiting and nausea, relieve labor pain, prevent miscarriage, facilitate easy delivery, overcome weakness, induce labor etc.,” the research revealed.
On the other side, medical plants were widely used without concern, based on the notion that these remedies are natural and many women were ignorant that medicinal herbs could harm their pregnancy.
However, using herbs during pregnancy can have negative implications because some traditional plants are poisonous, posing a risk to both mothers and newborn babies.
“We urge that more study be conducted on these medicinal plants with a focus on their efficacy, toxicity, and pharmacological mechanisms of action, which could lead to information that might be used to help increase and improve local maternity and delivery care,” it said.
It further said that scientific investigations are needed, particularly to discover any harmful effects of herbal medication use during pregnancy. Moreover, the research suggested that women of tribal areas should receive health education regarding the effects of herbs during pregnancy.