Srinagar, Apr 25: Government Degree College (GDC) Boys, Kupwara marked World Arbor Day 2024 with a special event organised by the Botany Department, focusing on the theme of the Green Jammu and Kashmir drive. The event aimed to plant approximately one hundred trees within the campus, highlighting the significance of afforestation.
College authorities, including Principal Prof Mohd Shafi Lone, Staff Secretary Prof Mohd Iqbal, HOD Botany Dr Nuzhat Jabeen, and other department heads along with their faculty members, as well as National Cadet Corps (NCC) and NSS convenor Dr Khalid and NSS students, participated in the event. The Geology Department, represented by Dr Umair Ali, Head of the Department of Geology, also joined the initiative.
About two hundred trees were planted within the campus, with different professors taking part in the tree-planting activities, the college said in a press release issued here.
Professor Mohammad Shafi Lone, the Principal of GDC Kupwara, said such events contribute to making the campus greener and cleaner, emphasizing that planting trees signifies planting hope.
Prof Mohd Iqbal, the Staff Secretary, said there is a need for tree plantation to enhance the ambience of the surroundings annually.
Dr Nuzhat Jabeen, Head of the Botany Department and convener of the event stressed the growing need for tree plantation due to the increasing population, likening Arbor Day to a thanksgiving event to nature.
Dr Abbas, Head of the Department of EVS, highlighted the importance of tree plantation and encouraged everyone to contribute towards it.
Dr Khalid, Head of the Department of History, mentioned the significance of growing more plants, saying that society flourishes when individuals plant trees under whose shade they may never sit.
Dr Umair, Head of the Geology Department, and Dr Aga Mudasir, Head of Urdu, highlighted the importance of Arbor Day as a call to action, urging everyone to plant, nurture, and protect trees for future generations.
While Arbor Day is traditionally celebrated on the last Friday of April, the timing of plantations may vary depending on the season. The event aimed to show care for plants and brought together all professors of the campus for the plantation drive.