Awantipora, Oct11: The Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development (CIED) of Islamic University of Science and Technology (IUST) organized a special talk on Tuesday on “Science, Technology and Global Development Challenge”.
Javed Hussain Mir, former Director Southeast Asia Department, Asian Development Bank, Philippines was the chief Guest and the main speaker for the event.
Speaking at the event, Javed highlighted the major developmental problems the world faces and what approaches should be adopted to tackle these problems. He mentioned climate change as the single biggest reason for the crisis in the world followed by loss of biodiversity and food insecurity.
Talking about the roadmap ahead, he emphasized that for next decade we need urgent changes in Agri-food systems and energy sectors. He mentioned the push towards localization in comparison to globalisation would be the solution to help restore food balance across the world and will help prevent further poverty crisis.
Honourable vice-chancellor Prof. Shakil Romshoo graced the event with his presence and spoke about the great potential technology has for decoupling physical mobility from professional and economic mobility. Prof. Romshoo spoke about role of science and technology in solving major world issues and emphasised the need for more professional workforce.
The event concluded with a fruitful interaction between Javed and coordinators and members of different verticals of CIED followed by a vote of thanks by Dr. Monisa Qadiri, Sr.Assistant professor department of Journalism and Mass Communication, IUST.