Jammu, Dec 06: Director General of Police (DGP), J&K R R Swain has sanctioned over rupees 1.65 crore welfare loan/relief in favour of 110 serving police personnel to provide financial assistance to them.
As per the order sanctioned vide PHQ, J&K Order No. 3418 of 2023, a welfare loan of Rs 88 lakh has been sanctioned in favour of 47 police personnel to meet the expenses of self-treatment or treatment of their dependents, a police spokesperson said in a statement.
. The amount sanctioned for the medical treatment ranges from rupees one lakh to rupees five lakhs. Besides, welfare relief of rupees 8.50 lakh has also been sanctioned in favour of 22 Police personnel.
“Welfare loans ranging from rupees one lakh to rupees two lakh each have been sanctioned in favour of 46 personnel for their marriage, or marriage of their wards. Similarly, welfare loan of rupees 11.50 lakh has been sanctioned in favour of 08 police personnel for meeting the expenditure on higher education of their wards and rupees 50,000 has been sanctioned in favour of one Police person for yognovpit of his son,” he said.
The welfare loan sanctioned to the police personnel is refundable and is recovered in monthly installments from their salaries without any interest; however, the welfare relief sanctioned is non-refundable. It is sanctioned out of the Central Police Welfare Fund.
“Police headquarters under different welfare schemes are providing financial assistance to all the ranks serving/retired of Jammu and Kashmir Police and to serving SPOs,” the spokesperson added.