Composite Regional Centre, (CRC), Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment (MSJ&E), Government of India, Bemina, Srinagar today conducted rehabilitation cum distribution camp at CRC campus Srinagar.
The Rehabilitation camp was organized under the ADIP Scheme of the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of India in collaboration with ALIMCO, Prime Minister Divyasha Kendra.
More than 150 beneficiaries and their attendants and concerned rehabilitation professionals attended the camp.
During the said rehabilitation camp, more than 140 Assistive & Mobility Aids & Appliances viz. Battery operated Wheelchairs, Smart Phones, Auxiliary Crutches, C.P chairs, Wheel Chairs, Tri-cycles, Walking Sticks, L.S Belts, Elbow Crutches etc. were distributed among the registered beneficiaries on the spot.
After availing these Assistive and Mobility devices the beneficiaries (PwDs) expressed their pleasure for hassle-free rehabilitation services being provided by this institution.