Jammu, Nov 29: Ayush Directorate of J&K on Tuesday inaugurated the 30-hour Value Added Course on Health Promotion and Health Education through AYUSH, in Government College of Education, Jammu. The programme, organised under the aegis of Department of Health and Medical Education and Auyrvedic Hospital Jammu, began with a formal welcome address and statement of objectives of the Value Added Course on Arogya Vidya by Dr Rajinder Kour, Course Coordinator, followed by keynote address by Prof Aekta Gupta, Principal of the College.
In her address, Prof Gupta said, “Education and health are integral to each other. After the onslaught of the Covid-19, the world has come realised the importance of ayurveda, and being future teachers and educators, it is imperative upon us to train and propagate the idea of holistic health.”
Dr Rakesh Raina, Assistant Director from the Directorate of AYUSH J&K, highlighted the importance of spreading the message of holistic living through ayurveda across the nation. Dr Vandana Dogra, Medical Superintendent and Dr Aruna Bhat, Deputy Medical Superintendant from AYUSH were also present on the occasion.
Dr Arun Gupta, who was the resource person for the day one training, stressed that a healthy nation cannot be imagined without healthy and health-enabled children. “A teacher should also be a model of health promotion and indigenous knowledge of the country. Under this programme, a batch of 30 students of M.Ed and B.Ed shall be trained,” he said. The programme was conducted by Prof Shalini Rana.