Jammu, Nov 29: Mayor Jammu Rajinder Sharma on Tuesday delivered a speech on ‘Corruption Free India’ at Delhi Public School Jammu. About 200 students from the Middle and Senior wings attended the session. The talk was initiated under the ‘Corruption Free India’ campaign led by Jammu Municipal Corporation.
Rajinder Sharma started his talk by quoting Prime Minister’s speech on the 76th Independence Day wherein he urged all the countrymen to come together to defeat the evils of corruption and nepotism. He emphasised giving opportunities to those who are talented and will work towards the progress of the nation.
Addressing the students as future policymakers, he inspired them to be the torchbearers of the noble initiative and stressed the need to inculcate moral virtues like honesty, loyalty, and integrity which he said will enable them to differentiate between right and wrong, good and bad.
Principal DPS Jammu Ruchi Chabra appreciated the initiative taken “for inspiring the youth of our nation to be the warriors of change”.