Jammu, Feb 23: Apni Party’s Additional General Secretary, Arun Kumar Chibber on Friday submitted a proposal to the Relief Commissioner (M) Arvind Karwani to encourage more participation of displaced Kashmiri Pandits especially new voters in the scheduled Parliamentary elections in Jammu and Kashmir.
As per the press release, the Relief Commissioner (M) held a meeting of all political parties at his office to discuss ways and means of facilitating voting in the upcoming Parliamentary elections by the displaced Kashmiri Pandit migrants.
In the meeting, Chibber raised certain points which were noted by the Relief Commissioner. He suggested that the M-Forms should be dispensed with forthwith as in the DDC elections, and a special publicized drive should be undertaken to make voter cards for all eligible migrant voters.
“The number of polling booths should be increased for smooth casting of constituency votes and the D-Forms should be updated to indicate the final position of constituencies after delimitation for knowledge of registered migrant voters,” he said.
All these suggestions were discussed threadbare and noted for consideration by the Relief Commissioner (M), the statement said.