In a shocking incident, police arrested a man on Sunday for allegedly murdering his sister-in-law in Noorbagh area of Srinagar. In that regard police has registered a murder case and investigation is going on. This incident has sent shock waves all across the valley. It is a fact that there are many instances in our society where women are badly treated. Over the years, there has been an alarming increase in the crime rate; our younger generation is dangerously inclining towards carrying unlawful and immoral activities. Our women folk are under tremendous pressure; the pressure is such that in certain case they won’t hesitate ending their lives. In the recent times crimes against women has shown an abnormal increase in our society and the inhuman killing of a women in Noorbagh area is the latest example. According to National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), in 2021, crimes against women in J&K increased up by 15.62% compared to the year 2020. This is a very serious concern and needs immediate attention from the government and the concerned authorities. Gender-based abuse is becoming more prevalent every passing day. Shockingly in most of the crimes against women, the perpetrators were known to the victims and those involved included family members, relatives, and neighbors. Various studies have attempted to record the crimes perpetrated against Kashmiri women, both as a result of domestic abuse and other factors. According to numerous studies, Kashmiri women are among the worst victims of sexual harassment and other abuses. Extensive legislation enshrining various women’s rights is futile unless they are protected. Also many Women’s advocates have also called for the establishment of separate hospitals dedicated solely to the treatment of women who have been subjected to physical and emotional torture. There are a slew of other steps the government should take to help the women who have been victims. The need of the hour is to take care of those victims who have suffered a lot for the last so many years and they are running from pillar to post to avail justice. The role of society in the upliftment of oppressed women is critical. We also have a duty to speak out against any injustice done to women and to ensure that they are given the proper respect in our society. The police also needs to take cognizance of the figures and deliberate upon the matter to find out new ways of stopping the rising crime rate against women folk.