Ganderbal, Apr 4: The Department of Law, School of Legal Studies (SLS), Central University of Kashmir (CUKashmir) organized an interactive training programme about internship and placements in the field of Corporate Law for the students of B.A.LLB 8th semester on Wednesday.
Guest speaker, founder Lawyers at Work (L.A.W), Bangalore, Ms Talha Salaria laid emphasis on three important aspects of career development in the subject of law i.e, self-confidence, financial independence, and importance of curriculum vitae and linked-in profiles. She emphasized the importance of contract drafting, soft/negotiation skills, overview of laws familiar with corporate sectorial practices. She also spoke about the advantages of practicing in corporate laws and the practical training courses being offered by her firm.
In his welcome address, Head and Dean, SLS, Prof. Farooq Ahmad Mir, said, that before passing of the Advocates Act of 1961, it was only the elite class of India that opted for the law course until the year 1988 when the late Madava Menon conceived the idea of Law Schools and the introduction of 5-year BALLB programmes. He said the training programme has been organized on the initiative of Ms. Talha and assured her to conduct further interactive sessions with the students of the department in future.
Assistant Professors Dr. Rehana Shawl, introduced the guest speaker, Dr. Shabina Arafat, started the Q-A session, Dr. Hilal Ahmad Najar proposed the vote of thanks and Dr. Imran Ahad Bhat served as the Rapporteur.
CUK’s SLS organizes training prog on internship, placements

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