Director Health Services Kashmir has has directed all Chief Medical Officers and Medical Superintendents to adhere to the terms of reference for Prescription Audit Report (PAC) and also directed the Medical Superintendents to submit preliminary compliance report within a week’s time.
According to a circular issued by DHSK said, “Attention of all the Chief Medical Officers & Medical Superintendents of Kashmir Division is invited towards a circular issued by this Directorate Vide No: PS/DHSK/2022/8380-8457 Dated: 18-01-2022, (Copy enclosed), whereby it was enjoined upon to nominate one Nodal Officer for a District Hospital & for each Sub-District Hospital of their respective Districts, who shall collect Photo-copies of at least 1% (One percent) of prescriptions on random daily basis written by the government doctors in OPDs. Besides, shall also constitute a district level “Prescription Audit Committee” (PAC), comprising of doctors on administrative posts, excluding the consultants with the following terms of Reference.”
Terms of Reference for Prescription Audit Committee as per circular shall be that these prescriptions collected by the Nodal Officers shall be scrutinized by the Prescription Audit Committee, whether the Prescriptions are legibly written in the capital letters with name of the doctor, his/her signature & registration number, Generic drugs are prescribed & preference is given to the drugs, which are available free in hospital supplies, Unnecessary diagnostic tests/procedures are prescribed & patients are referred to the private clinics/specialists without requirement, Drugs are prescribed in contravention to the provision of Drugs & Cosmetic Act & Regulations,” it adds.
“Prescription Audit Committee(s) shall prepare & submit fortnightly report to this Directorate, Divisional level Prescription Audit committee, which stands already constituted, shall prepare a comprehensive monthly report along with their recommendations, highlighting actionable points that shall be submitted to the Administrative Department,” it reads further.
“However, it has been observed that the aforesaid circular instructions are not being complied by the Chief Medical Officers & Medical Superintendents, which has been viewed seriously. It is, therefore, again enjoined upon to adhere the instructions, The Medical Superintendent/Administrator of the concerned hospital shall be personally responsible for coordination and proper implementation of these circular instructions and shall submit a preliminary compliance report on this within a week’s time positively from the date of issuance of this circular,” the circular reads.
“If any Medical Superintendent/Administrator of the hospital found deviating from the instructions this time, disciplinary action shall be initiated against him/her without any further notice.” It adds further.