Home Minister (HM) Amit Shah is arriving today to review the security situation in Jammu and Kashmir. This will be his first meeting after the successful completion of Assembly elections in the Union Territory (UT).It must be noted that the Home Minister has been keenly watching the internal security developments in the UT. In his previous meeting when the preparations were going on for the initiation of the long overdue Assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir he had given instructions for the 360 degree alertness as far as the security preparedness is concerned. In contemporary times Amit Shah has emerged as the most proactive Home Minister who calls spade a spade. He is known for taking the bull by the horns and is quite forthright in dealing with the internal security challenges as he believes in sending the message to the adversary in unequivocal terms. As per the sources the Home Minister is going to review the current security situation in Jammu and Kashmir, especially in the border areas. It is pertinent to mention that after the neutralisation of Article 370 and 35 A, law and order comes under the domain of the Central Government. Home Minister is likely to have a detailed discussion on the roadmap for the New Year 2025 in terms of security preparedness and the emerging challenges. There have been terror attacks in Jammu and Kashmir regions after the installation of the new government and the formation of the Assembly in the UT that were mainly meant to target the non –locals to create the fear psychosis among the common masses. Besides there were terrorist attacks to destabilise the peace in Jammu and Kashmir. This meeting is going to take stock of these terror incidents meant to drag Jammu and Kashmir once again into the quagmire of violence. The thrust of the meeting chaired by the Home Minister will be to devise the policy and strategies to curb such incidents so that peace and normalcy is maintained in Jammu and Kashmir. This high profile meeting will be attended by the top brass of the army, security forces and intelligence besides the officials of the Ministry of Home Affairs(MHA).Amit Shah has been vocal to implement the zero tolerance towards terrorism so that the fissiparous tendencies are rooted out completely. Jammu and Kashmir has been facing the cross-border terrorism patronised by Pakistan that destabilised the socio-economic condition of the UT, leading to ethno-religious conflict. It injected subversion in Jammu and Kashmir by creating sleeper cells and the chain of Over Ground Workers(OGWs) who acted as the capacity building arm of the terrorist modules to retard the developmental projects. In order to end terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir there is a need to develop a comprehensive policy that addresses the internal and external challenges in tandem. There is a need to internalise that the war of attrition being imposed on the people in Jammu and Kashmir by the enemies of the nation has wider connotations. The China and Pakistan axis has been working tirelessly to dismantle the Northern Frontier of India in the Himalayas. Jammu and Kashmir is the frontline defence of India. As such it has witnessed pincer attacks from enemies of the nation. The policy makers have to underline that there is a need to check mate these fissiparous tendencies in the Himalayas so that this war of attrition is stopped and not allowed to spread in the rest of India. Keeping this in view the security preparedness has to be given a new facelift so that the internal displacements and targeted killings of minorities are not allowed to happen. Proactive policy is the need of the hour so that zero tolerance to end terrorism is implemented in letter and spirit in Jammu and Kashmir.