Jammu, Apr 26: VisionIAS, a premier research and training organization, conducted the 2nd test of its annual nationwide test series, Abhyaas. They were administered in two shifts morning and afternoon (GS & CSAT paper) in more than 170 centers across the country in the offline mode to mimic the UPSC Prelims examination.
In this test, more than 28000 aspirants put their knowledge, abilities, and efforts to assess their preparedness for the upcoming UPSC Prelims exam scheduled on 28th May 2023.
The period of one month before the UPSC Prelims examination becomes the most critical phase as students give a final shape to their preparation by working out the chinks in their armor and fine-tuning their preparation.
In a simulated environment of the Abhyaas Tests, students got the opportunity to assess the effectiveness of their problem-solving skills and exam-taking temperament. Students were able to test their various score-maximization strategies and mental resilience during the exam which can greatly impact the likelihood of their selection.
Abhyaas Prelims is an innovative assessment solution that precisely simulates the UPSC exam environment, and has evolved as the gold standard for UPSC prelims preparedness assessment and readiness with its rigorous testing and assessment framework at the student doorsteps.
In addition to assessing students’ knowledge, skills, and aptitude, the test series also evaluates their mental and psychological readiness for the prelims exam by helping them manage exam-induced stress and anxiety.
Test centers for Abhyaas Test 2 resembled UPSC exam centers, with students coming from nearby regions accompanied by friends and family.
Students found the test similar to UPSC standards and focused on important syllabus themes. They realized the importance of holistic preparation and giving attention to all subjects, including the often-neglected CSAT Paper. The tests removed their fear of the unknown and improved their confidence levels, making them better equipped to crack the UPSC Prelims exam
Abhyaas Test-2 results would be declared on the VisionIAS website at 10:00 PM on 27th April 2023. This would provide the All-India Rankings of students reflecting their comparative standing among their peers which works as a motivating factor for further improvement in the upcoming tests. A dedicated mentoring system is in place at VisionIAS to resolve student queries would further help students achieve better results.
Test discussions will be conducted separately for English and Hindi medium students, covering both the papers, i.e. the General Studies and CSAT from 28th April to 1st May 2023. This can help students gain valuable insights into their preparation approach and validate its effectiveness. The Abhyaas Test 3 would be held on 7th May across all the Centres.
VisionIAS conducts Abhyaas Test for UPSC Prelims 2023

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