Srinagar, Mar 27: The two days 65th Research Council Meeting (Kharif-2023) started on Monday at SKUAST-Kashmir under the Chairmanship of Vice-chancellor, SKUAST-K, Prof. Nazir Ahmad Ganai.
The meeting attended by Atal DulooFinancial Commissioner/Additional Chief Secretary, GoJK in virtual mode. Dr. Trilochan Mohapatra former Director General, ICAR & Secretary DARE attended as an Expert member. Heads of Development Department from Agriculture, Horticulture and representatives from other allied departments were also present in the meeting.
Champion farmers connected with different agricultural enterprises, Deans/Directors/other Heads of Divisions of SKUAST-K participated in the meeting. Prof. Sarfaraz A. Wani, Director Research presented the research achievements and future Research programmes of the University taking into consideration the time line and targets set in the Apex projects approved by the Government.
Vice-chancellor in his thoughts provoking speech talked about equity and inclusiveness which will be the hall mark of Apex projects developed for Holistic Development of Agriculture in the state. Concern of less arable land availability of 7 lakh ha and unplanned land use and conversion of Agricultural land to non-Agricultural use was highlighted.
Prof. Ganai stressed on targeting the strengths of the state viz niche crop, medicinal plants and production of tulip bulbs which has the potential of strengthening economy of the farmer and that of the state. Kashmir has also opportunity in export of elite breeds of sheep to other parts of the country.
Dr. Mohapatra, former DG, ICAR Expert member emphasized to focus on sustainable consumption and not only on food production. He also emphasized on nutritional security to overcome malnutrition and hidden hunger. In addition food loss right from farm level to consumption was highlighted and need to be addressed. Jammu & Kashmir is one of 26 Bio-diverse areas of country in terms of plant and animal biodiversity and there is a need for bio-molecular study in local diversity. Deficiency in fodders needs to be addressed. Women who comprise 52% of work force in Agriculture in J&K needs to be given new farm implements for reducing drudgery. Atal Duloo informed the house that Agri. Sector in J&K is caught in vicious cycle of low growth low input capital, low value, low growth and low investment and through the Apex projects we have tried to break this viscous circle by putting in investment and preparing strategies and interventions.
He informed the house that 06 strategies and interventions viz. strengthening of core system, strengthening of competitive advantage (Niche crops), value chains of different Agriculture/ Horticulture crops, Climate resilient Agriculture, technology infusion and skill development have been proposed in Apex projects.
Dullo also highlighted GI tagging of 34 important crops and reduction in yield gap through technology communication to farmers. He complimented the scientists of SKUAST- Kashmir and Jammu for working hard and coming up with 29 projects for UT of J&K. After the inaugural session, progress and future programmes of different stations and faculties were taken-up and will continue on 28.03.2023.
Two days 65th Research Council Meeting starts at SKUAST-K

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