It would rather be difficult to write about a person who has designed you and honed your skills through and through to make you pen lock this article, which indeed, requires a lot of effort and exertion. Certainly, this is an outcome of drudgery and hard work that one undergoes during the apprenticeship; like that red hot iron rod in the smithy which blacksmith forms into different shapes and shades to get it sold in the market at the valuable price. Or like that potter, who works on his potter-wheel for making different crocks with his clay.
The same way does a teacher make and shape his disciples with his knowledge, efforts and hard work to inculcate among them the value of their life; its importance and significance for upcoming future. Although, most of educationalists, are of the opinion that teacher’s semblance can be associated with a potter, therefore, like him, who gives different shapes to clay on his potter-wheel; the same way, does a teacher in the class shape and guide his pupil to make them valuable and useful for their nation and society. As often whispered teachers are nation builders, who can build the nation solid and strong by imparting right education among their students.
A teacher like an agrarian-man, tills the land, makes it smooth for sowing, and sows seeds in it, which others then reap, crop and enjoy. The teacher like a father nurtures his wards so that they can break an egg and make the best omelette of their life; by which they can be recognised as a respectable citizens and members of the society.
It’s the teacher, who educates children and makes them comprehend the differences between right and wrong and also imbibes in them; the right values, ethics, morals and sense of respect towards their elders. As it is said, “The habits one learns at tender age lasts long.”
The importance of books and its contents which they study at school remains of utmost importance but one has to acknowledge the fact that books, which they study at school, cannot help them alone. Although, the importance of books are there, but, the prominence of instructors is more than books; as instructors, act as practical entities which according to M.K Gandhi, is more effective and operational than theories which they read from books.
A teacher has to be a role model for society, for his students, moreover, he has to sieve his acts and deeds thousand times before he would processed; as rightly put my father of the nation, Mahatma Ghandi, “A teacher has to be a role model; as students imitate the teacher.”
Sufis are of the opinion that mere knowledge does not drive one home, for they believe, it’s mandatory to have a guide, which can guide a person towards the veracious path; otherwise, lone knowledge leads to vanity and ignorance. Sufis, are right, because a classic text written by Marlowe has aptly illustrated it, the play called, ‘Dr Faustus’, in which a theologian, Dr Faustus, falls prey to necromancy and sales his soul for trivial and transitory things, which downrightly support what Sufis adhere to. While reading the text meticulously, one gets a clear idea regarding the importance of guide in the life of person, also makes us believe that the situation of Dr. Faustus, the theologian, could have been different had he shook hands with good angel than with the cursed Lucifer and Mephistopheles.
But, the tragedy is, finding a right and honest guide in this era has become a herculean task, as many instances in past stand as a vouch here that the situation has changed a lot, and, finding a right guide has become n next to impossible. While reading an article of late Professor Muhudeen Hajini, where Hajini, is of the opinion that all the teachers cannot angelic in nature, since rearing and background plays an important role in grooming person, but, that does not mean, all the teachers can be weighed in same parameter and scale. There are still in the society countless good teachers, who with their sheer hard work and dedication leave no stone unturned in rendering their service with utmost honesty, where there 1st priority remains their students, for whom they forget their family and children.
Although, it is a bitter reality that most of the teachers are these days after money, and education has been confined to the walls of coaching centres, which are no less than money minting machines, where teachers earn more bucks than annual wages which government provides them in the name of salary. But, still, in this phase where money is treated like a demi-god, there are still some teachers, who teach the students free of cost and do not demand a penny for their instructions. They feely satisfaction and contentment in teaching poor students, who otherwise remain deprived, uneducated and illiterate.
I know a teacher, who works now as Sr. Assistant Professor at English Department in the Kashmir University at North Campus. Dr. Ameen Parray, who has remained my teacher since my school days, who has not only impressed me by his teaching pedagogies but also through his demeanour. He often tells me, “The real satisfaction is not in mounting a lot of wealth or reaching at the highest level, but, the real satisfaction comes when some respects you from the heart.” He further adds, “People pay you that respect, when you think of them, their plight, and for their welfare.” But, its truth that we in this present age lack the likes of Dr.Ameen, who is very concerned about his students and about their welfare. He believes and has a firm conviction in, “Driving a luxurious car and wearing the best costumes, do not immortalise one, but rendering service for society, being concerned for the deprived and extending a helping hand for the one who deserves, are the things which eternalises a person.
So on this teacher’s day, I pay my tribute to him for being my teacher and teaching me the best things. And dare say, it is an honour to have a teacher like him.
(The author is a columnist and can be reached at: [email protected])