Srinagar, Oct 17: Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir scientist Prof Azmat Alam Khan has been chosen as the fellow of the Indian Poultry Sciences Association (IPSA) for 2024.
Prof Khan, a chief scientist, presently working as Associate Director Research and OSD to Vice Chancellor, SKUAST-K, was awarded the IPSA fellowship for 2024 at the 39th Annual Conference and National Symposium of Indian Poultry Sciences Association at Maharashtra Animal and Fisheries Sciences University (MAFSU), Nagpur. The conference was themed ‘Shaping the Indian Poultry Sector for Sustainable Growth’. The medal and citation of the fellowship was presented by Chief guest, Bahadur Ali, managing director of Indian Broiler Group, in presence of Guest of honour, GL Jain, Principal Advisor of Venkys Group.
The fellowship has been awarded to Prof Khan in recognition of his outstanding contribution to poultry science research and promotion of the poultry sector in Jammu and Kashmir.
As the founding head and team leader of the Centre for Research on Poultry at SKUAST-K, Dr Azmat has been instrumental in transforming poultry research at the University. He established critical infrastructure including breeder farms, hatcheries and rearing spaces, laying the foundation for advanced poultry research and teaching in the University. Dr Azmat is currently spearheading efforts to create a dedicated Department of Poultry Science at SKUAST- K.
Dr Khan BVSc & AH from SKUAST-K has earned Masters and Doctorate from Indian Veterinary Research Institute Izatnagar.
He qualified JKAS in 2001 but chose Academic and Research Career to administration. He has handled prestigious externally funded projects, guided 12 Masters and PhD students and has more than 500 publications to his credit which include more than 150 Peer reviewed research publications in national and international journals of repute.